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Rose Milk Cleanser

Rose milk cleanser

Place your handful of rose petals in a small saucepan and cover them with a cup of milk. Heat to just below boiling then remove from the heat and leave to infuse for an hour

Apply this using oats in one of two ways:

Either, put two tablespoons of flaky oats into a bowl and add the rosey milk a little at a time to soften the oats before rubbing them onto your face.

Or, put two tablespoons of flaky oats into a muslin wrap, tie securely and pop this into the pan of rosey milk and let it soak up the milk before using it to scrub your face and body.

Rose milk cleanser

Why use these ingredients?:

Rose is softening and hydrating, great for dry or mature skin

Milk is a natural oil-and-water blend, as is the sebum we produce through our skin. That’s why it works so well for us as a cleanser. The oil in the milk can combine with our natural oils trapping the dirt which can then be washed away with warm water.

Oats are also softening and provide gentle exfoliation.

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